Our Rarities
Foil: None
Card Name: White or Black, depending on type of card (monster, spell, etc.)
Set code: None
Edition: Unlimited
Sticker (bottom right corner): Plain shiny silver sticker
Foil: Yes - smooth holographic foil across entire face of the card
Card Name: White or Black, depending on type of card (monster, spell, etc.)
Set Code: Yes
Edition: 1st Edition or Unlimited (check the images)
Sticker (bottom right corner): Plain shiny gold/silver sticker
Foil: Yes - smooth holographic foil across entire face of the card
Card Name: Gold
Set Code: Yes
Edition: 1st Edition or Unlimited (check the images)
Sticker (bottom right corner): Plain shiny gold/silver sticker
Foil: Yes - diagonal pattern holographic foil across entire face of the card. Note that our Secret rare foils are more subtle than the foil on modern day YGO cards.
Card Name: White
Set Code: Yes
Edition: 1st Edition or Unlimited (check the images)
Sticker (bottom right corner): Plain shiny gold/silver sticker
Foil: Yes - patterned holographic foil across entire face of the card
Card Name: White
Set Code: Yes
Edition: 1st Edition or Unlimited (check the images)
Sticker (bottom right corner): Plain shiny gold/silver sticker
Quarter-Century Secret Rare (QCSR)
Foil: Yes - patterned holographic foil across entire face of the card, same as our Starlights
Card Name: Gold
Set Code: Yes
Edition: 1st Edition or Unlimited (check the images)
Sticker (bottom right corner): Plain shiny gold/silver sticker
Stamp: 25th Anniversary logo 3-D stamped into text box
+NAME Rarity
Foil: Yes - Ultra/Secret/Starlight/QCSR foil as relevant. Same as for above rarities.
Card Name: Holographic card name in line with selected rarity
Set Code: Yes
Edition: 1st Edition
Sticker (bottom right corner): Plain shiny gold sticker
Stamp: If QCSR +NAME, 25th Anniverary logo stamp included in text box, same as regular QCSR rarity
While the rarities described above represent the majority of the proxies/oricas for sale on the ValueTCG website, note that it is not an exhaustive list.
As the shop continues to grow, more and more variations are being added. If there is a product in the store that you are interested in, but you need more information before making a purchase, please do feel free to Contact Us to get in touch!