Supreme Darkness (SUDA) - Available Now!
SUDA proxies including Primite, A Bao, Elzette, and Mulcharmy, are available at ValueTCG!

Crossover Breakers (CRBR) - Available Now!
Maliss and Ryzeal proxies from Crossover Breakers (CRBR) are available at ValueTCG!

White Story Alt Arts: Albaz, Ecclesia, Cartesia, and Aluber
Shop now for English (TCG) versions of alternate arts for Albaz, Ecclesia, Cartesia, and Aluber, which are being released in the OCG as part of the Complete File: White Story set.

Infinite Forbidden (INFO) - Coming Soon
Fiendsmith, White Forest, Mulcharmy Purulia, and many more proxies from INFO are coming to ValueTCG by the end of July!